!Download Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper!
The first installment in this fierce and sensual new paranormal romance series features demonic gladiators, ruthless mafia villains, and a proud race on the brink of extinction.
Ten years ago, Audrey MacLaren chose to marry her human lover, making her an exile from the Dragon Kings, an ancient race of demons once worshiped as earthly gods. Audrey and her husband managed to conceive, and their son is the first natural-born Dragon King in a generation—which makes him irresistible to the sadistic scientist whose mafia-funded technology allows demon procreation. In the year since her husband was murdered, Audrey and her little boy have endured hideous experiments.
Shackled with a collar and bound for life, Leto Garnis is a Cage warrior. Only through combat can Dragon Kings earn the privilege of conceiving children. Leto uses his superhuman speed and reflexes to secure the right for his two sisters to start families. After torture reveals Audrey’s astonishing pyrokenesis, she is sent to fight in the Cages. If she survives a year, she will be reunited with her son. Leto is charged with her training. Initially, he has no sympathy for her plight. But if natural conception is possible, what has he been fighting for? As enemies, sparring partners, lovers, and eventual allies, Leto and Audrey learn that in a violent underground world, love is the only prize worth winning.
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Caged Warrior . An emotional ... Blood Warrior . ... Lindsey Piper is the alter ego of award-winning and RITA-nominated author Carrie Lofty. Book " Caged Warrior " ( Lindsey Piper ) ready for read and download ! Series : Book 1 of "Dragon Kings" Lindsey Piper ’s hotly anticipated debut series, The Dragon Kings,... Download Caged Warrior audiobook by Lindsey Piper at Downpour Audio Books - The Dragon Kings, an ancient race of demons, were once worshipped as earthly gods. Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper ... Caged Warrior is an excitingly fresh beginning to what promises to be a quality new series. The story is complex and demanding, ... Download Caged Warrior audiobook by Lindsey Piper , narrated by Robin Dane. Join Audible and get Caged Warrior free from the Audible online audio book store. Download Caged Warrior by Piper , Lindsey on TUEBL along with over 40,000 other ebooks for free. Lindsey Piper ~ The Dragon Kings ~ Caged Warrior . Caged Warrior . An emotional, fiercely sexy paranormal tale of romance and rebirth. ... Leto Garnis is a Cage warrior . Listen to Caged Warrior audiobook by Lindsey Piper . Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Bestsellers and latest releases. try any ... Download Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper (Dragon Kings_1).epub torrent or any other torrent from Fiction category. ... ⌆ Caged Warrior . ... Download Read Online. Title: Caged Warrior : Author: Lindsey Piper : Rating: Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, ... Promotional Results For You R5GD